The major principles of this religion are establishment of world peace, universal education, equality of women and men, adoration of one God, and cooperation between Science and Religion in a person’s search for truth. Find inner strength to be good, peaceful, kind, helpful, and so on without trying to be controlled by a scripted set of rules. April 24, 2018 < >. In a new series of articles, called “For the Love of Their Country,” IranWire tells the stories of some of these Iranian Baha’i … Submit it online or fill out the form below. I don’t know where the writer Manisha Kumar got the idea that Muslims are not supposed to learn about other religions. It will cause more harm than good – i am saying this for your own benefit. As result I can affirm that a believe without questioning is a dogma. Christianity and Judism are other names of Islam because all the preachings are same and revieled from Allah through Messangers. 1.Bahai is a religion having origins from Islam and Islam has its roots from Christianity. Moreover,Muhammad s.a.w. But, Baha’is insist that their religion is a new and independent revelation from God that stands distinct and apart from Islam and Islamic practice. The former grew out of the latter (in the same way as Christianity did out of Judaism) and as a result Muslims have tended to regard Baha'is as sectaries or heretics. If you want to get even finer detail there are accents involved. Furthermore, Baháʼís believe that the Báb, a central figure in the Baháʼí Faith, was a descendant of Muhammad through Imam … Allow inner peace to give you strength to handle your responsibilities toward our common soul. All of us are receiving our souls from the one God with 70 and more other names and definitions and one day we will give it to him back. The word Muslim itself means a ‘person who submits.’. 2020. Bahai has a more scientific and modern approach and focuses on issues like equality of the genders, world peace, adoring one God, and combining science and religion. Do you have a question about the Baha’i faith? most interesting one….”Shaikh Yusuf Estes converting to islam story, For example there is a Bahá’í temple in New Delhi, I guess you would find some Bahá’ís there Answer: The Baha'i faith is one of the newer world religions stemming originally from Shi'ite Islam in Persia (modern-day Iran). However, today I am a new Bahai. Do Bahá’ís believe that the Qur’an is a copy of the Torah (Old Testament), except for added directives to kill non-Muslims? Shalom everyone. There are more inaccuracies in the article, but I will stop here for the sake of time. Furthermore, the article states that there are certain restrictions on acceptance of Islam. If you continue, It is located at 535 Sheridan Road, Wilmette, IL 60091. The Quran clearly says that Muhammad s.a.w. Muslims are expected to live their lives in accordance to the will of Allah and offer their devotion to him. The former grew out of the latter (in the same way as Christianity did out of Judaism) and as a result Muslims have tended to regard Baha'is as sectaries or heretics. But it is NOT originated from MODERN Judaism, and Christianity because they both have been misinterpreted by Humans. Don’t forget to say that Bahai do not have any miracle like all other religion (Christianism and Jews saw miracle, Muslims have miracle until the day of Jugement which is Coran). It’s to say that God’s teachings – and we do believe religious teachings come from God – has allowed for our progress and we no longer need slavery. Your privacy is extremely important to us. and updated on April 24, 2018, Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects. The falsehoods in this article are despicable. Without fear and threat. Retrieved from There is only one god and he is ALLAH and HAZRAT MUHAMMAD S.A.W is his last messenger send to the mankind. IvyPanda. The Babi movement called for revolutionary social changes and champione… This founder is referred to as Baha’u’llah, meaning “the Glory of God” and he is considered the most recent prophet of the religion (Masumian 89). I believe one God, and this God is same for all monotheistic religions in the world. I have made a post asking them to change it as well. The true religion with God is Islam. Iran is the birthplace of the three central figures of the faith—The Báb, Bahá'u'lláhand ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Islam was founded by Muhammed and the followers of this religion are known as Muslims. (3:17) Whoso desires another religion than Islam, it shall not be accepted of him (3:79) This day have I perfected your religion for you, and have fitted up the measure of my favours upon you: and it is my pleasure that Islam be your religion (5:5; Rodwell, Koran 486) In the view of Islam, Judaism and Christianity are true religions. I am a Baha’i and I completely agree with Shenaz Anser. A more common current number is over 7 million. Islam is represented by the star and crescent symbol. Masumian notes that the Baha’i concept of heaven and hell is in relation to the closeness or detachment from God (89). And to achieve nibbana nobody can help us but we ourselves must achieve it.. Too funny. A couple further basics are spelling – typically it’s spelled “Baha’i” or “Baha’i Faith” or “Baha’is” for followers of the religion. How Gotam Buddha spoke about delusions of God. You are only misinforming new readers, and offending others who are already well-informed. I grow up in a mixed Jewish – Christian family and married a Sunni Muslim woman, without conversion. Muslims are not supposed to learn about other religions.”. Religion fulfils an important role in the lives of billions of people all over the world. 2020, I hope those Hindu extremists next door would come and do to you, what you are planning for the rest of the non-believers! Contrary to common belief, Bahaism is not a sect of Islam. ( Again, Completely wrong, there is no restrictions on any muslims for that. Instead of talking about God and prophets, Buddha spoke about the most important aspect what really matters to our souls. Baha’is also believe that religions include both eternal truths and relative truths. Though originating from Islam, there are a considerable amount of differences between the two religions. This is completely wrong. (2020, March 26). He said only nibbana will truly release us from our suffering. In comparison to other religious community, Baha’is are a miniscule community,but you can find Baha’is all over India. 3.The holy book of Muslims is the Quran and that of Bahais is the Kitáb-i-Aqdas. Please note: comment moderation is enabled and may delay your comment. The forerunner of this religion was Sayid Ali Muhammad. Another point that I will like to discuss is in relation to free will. As a member of Iran’s nobility, Baha'u'llah was offered a government position. 2.The followers of Islam are known as Muslims and the followers of Bahai are called as Bahais. It had roots in Islam but established its own laws and teachings that made a clear break from Islam. Bahais hold a belief in the oneness and unity of God and, in addition, the oneness of religions. Non-Muslims have been much readier to recognise Baha'i as a religion … It is at this juncture that we utilize our free will to investigate the personage and words of the Prophet of God and by accepting Him we are turning towards the Word of God Himself. Manisha Kumar. This goal of conversion occurs since the faith teaches that Allah is the only true God. Part 1: The Origin and History of the Bahai’s. Md.Sahidul haque laskar.. It is infact the opposite. I was looking for this particular info for a very long time. 1. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must. Asslamu alaikum-I am agree with Shenazs block.some of lac of information causes like this kind of differences.I personaly give him advice if you havnt any true and suficient information pls. I am a Muslim. However, it has come to achieve a unique status of its own. If live than which city or which state ? Nice post at Difference Between Islam and Bahai | Difference Between | Islam vs Bahai. This is IvyPanda's free database of academic paper samples. Living among the big 3 is a life experience. it is true that Islam is originated from the teachings of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moss, Jesus and all the other prophets Peace and Blessings Be Upon Them- IvyPanda. It not only provides a moral code to guide the believers’ living but it also gives spiritual fulfillment. 26 March. Do not take anyothers religions,you should have knowledge of The holy Quran,ifyou are in trouble to understood The Quran i personaly advice you should meet our wel-known Ulema(precepter) like Moulana Tariq Jameel(Pakistan),Mufti Khanpuri sahab(Surat,India) and many of them but dont play like this.. ” 6.A Bahai is supposed to learn the scriptures of the religion as well as that of other religions. My personal opinion is that too much religion harms. Like Islam, the Bahá'í Faith is a religion of the Book where laws and ordinances of God's revelation are recorded in one title for posterity. The revelations of God to Prophet Baha’u’llah and his teachings are integral to the Baha’i faith. Copyright © 2021 - IvyPanda is a trading name of Edustream Instead of heaven and hell, Buddha explained a step ahead saying existence in neither heaven nor hell is permanent and soul keeps moving between various realms. Muslims are not supposed to learn about other religions. Bahai religion globally, spread across 236 countries. About 5 million people worldwide adhere to the Baha’i faith, according to, but other sourcessay there are as many as 7 million around the world. “Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Apostle of God, and the seal of the prophets” – Al-Ahzab 33:40 I think for Islam, it is Muslims who are destroying its message. 4.Bahai is a combination of religion and science while Islam is purely a religion based on the teachings of the Prophet. Need a custom Research Paper sample written from scratch by Mumbai: Kalimat Press, 1995. Islam teaches that the believer’s soul will move on to heaven or hell depending on his conduct here on earth (Ayoub 345). Masumian notes that the Baha’i concept of heaven … Another similarity between Baha’i and Islam is in their believe in an afterlife. Wow.. Good job pointing out all the dumb wrong insane facts supposedly purposed to educate the difference of the 2 faith. For comparison though slavery had been abolished in the British Empire as late as 1833, it remained legal in the United States until 1863. In the same way, Baha’i teaches that the soul of the individual moves on to heaven or hell after death. Baha’is believe each well known religion, and the aboriginal faith traditions of natives, are all founded by God whether it’s known who founded the religion or not.

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