Today, there are a number of prominent Baha’i academics who have either been kicked out of the Baha’i community or have left it themselves after they protested the actions of the UHJ or their investigations showed facts contrary to what the UHJ was propagating. When asked “‘What shall we see at the end of the 1335 days?’,” Abdu’l-Bahā’s reply was: “‘Universal Peace will be firmly established, a Universal language promoted. With loving Bahā’ī greetings, I remarked that it was a great comfort that the Bible was so well translated into Arabic, and had been so widely distributed, and that since 1865, when Dr. Van Dyke completed the translation of the whole Bible, our Press had issued more than six hundred thousand copies, and this year would issue from thirty thousand to fifty thousand copies. 628. American Presbyterian missionary interviews Abdul Baha in 1901, Apparently Baha’is condemn all sort of violence but when it comes to safeguarding / protecting their. Now, supposing that a man wanted to learn about the Jews, and you are, we will suppose, an anti-Semite. Religion Must be the Source of Unity and Fellowship in the World, Contradictions Part II-Religion Must Be in Conformity with Science and Reason, Contradictions – Religion Must Be in Conformity with Science and Reason, The source of the Bāb and Bahā’u’llāh’s Knowledge, Shoghi’s Sayings That Contradict Science or Reason, `Abdu’l-Bahā’s Statements That Are Against Science and Reason, Bahā’u’llāh’s Statements That Are Against Science and Reason, Some Miscellaneous Laws That Contradict Science & Reason, Bāb’s Religious Orders That Contradict Reason and Common-Sense. When some one from them commits any crime they immediately bill it to some other religion, like the failed attempt on the life of King of Iran was falsely billed to the Babis, while the criminals were the followers of Baha’u’llah. 12 Principles of the Baha'i Faith. Reference: Bahā’u’llāh, Ad`iyyih-i ḥaḍrat-i maḥbūb, pp. After another round of salutations, I introduced myself and Chaplain Wells, and told him that, although a resident of Syria for forty-five years, I had never visited Haifa before, and, having heard and read much of his father and himself, I was glad to meet him. These are the fundamental principles of progress, civilization, international peace and … Glory. The nations of the world each have their own imitations and each are different. 5:21–22. 5, p. 170. In a letter dated 23/6/1995 the Universal House of Justice replies to an individual believer: The Universal House of Justice has received your email message dated 29 June 1995 and we have been asked to respond. Bahā’u’llāh: We have nullified anything that as a cause for shunning. “If today, someone grasps all of the knowledge on earth but stops at the word ‘yes’ (meaning does not become a Baha’i), the Lord will not pay attention to him (ladī l-Ḥaqq madhkūr na) and he will be considered as the most ignorant amongst the people,”, Reference: Bahā’u’llāh, Iqtidārāt wa chand lauḥ dīgar, p. 111, “From now on nobody is to be called knowledgeable, except those who have decorated themselves with the garment of this New Affair (meaning those who have become Baha’is),”. * The oneness of religion. The descendant of King David must be the President (Executive Branch) of Baha'u'llah's Below is a snapshot from their facebook page: Apparently Baha’is condemn all sort of violence but when it comes to safeguarding / protecting their cult interests they can do all sort of dirty things, like verbal abuse, slapping people, harming physically, killing, etc. Apparently, Baha’i children must be prevented from learning anything non-Baha’i while they are still in an age in which they cannot decide for themselves about what is right and wrong. I am not trying to say that she was motivated by her religious beliefs to commit this heinous crime. 47, p. 322. The results were dramatic. the world. For truth is only one. “The divine principles in this luminous era are such that one must not insult anyone or attribute them to ignorance [by saying] that you do not know and I know. Independent, Unfettered Investigation of the Truth, 3. “Shun any man in whom you perceive enmity for this Servant, though he may appear in the garb of piety of the former and later people, or may arise to the worship of the two worlds,”. So with Professor Browne. 3, p. 160. By the late 1960s, a great increase in the number of Bahā’īs had occurred. Three core principles of Bahá’í teachings are often referred to simply as follows: the unity of God, the unity of religion, and the unity of mankind. These imitations, have made the human world dark. The First Basic Baha'i Principle is: "The Oneness of the World of Humanity." My companion was Chaplain Wells, of Tennessee, recently from the Philippines, who had met at Port Said an American lady on her way to Haifa to visit Abbas Effendi. The greatest obstacle in the path of investigating the truth is not hiding the material that can be used to do so, rather, it is deceiving the investigator by distorting and creating an inverted image of the truth. “And does your excellency believe this?” He replied promptly, “Yes.” “And do you accept the Christ as your Saviour?” He said, “Yes.” “And do you believe that Jesus the Christ will come again and judge the world?” He said, “Yes.”, I then drew a little nearer to him and said: “My dear friend, I am more than sixty-eight years of age, and you are almost as old, and soon we shall stand together before the judgment seat of Christ. . '” In editions published after his death, Esslemont’s words have been changed to say that Abdu’l-Bahā “reckoned the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy from the date of the beginning of the Muhammadan era” and one of Abdu’l-Bahá’s Tablets is quoted on the same subject in which he writes, “‘For according to this calculation a century will have elapsed from the dawn of the Sun of Truth . Unfortunately, Baha’is actively engage in this act. The Bahá’í Faith’s central beliefs have been organized on this site into a number of thematic areas. The people call them Elijah’s watermelons. wonderful essence of Baha'u'llah's Revelation is the oneness of Twelve Principles of the Baha’i Faith The following 12 principles are frequently listed as a quick summary of the Baha’i teachings. Reference: `Abdu’l-Bahā, Makātīb (Egypt), vol. The Baha’i Faith explained that away by claiming that while Jesus was indeed a Messenger (or Manifestation) of God, His faith had become corrupted over time and thus most Christians were not truly following him, but the doctrines of men. health, the remedy and healing for man. Reference: Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Pg 254, Bahá’í World Centre, 1992 edition. Bahā’u’llāh ordered his followers to blindly imitate him, the UHJ actively prevents the investigation of the truth by withholding or distorting Baha’i scripture, and Baha’i missionaries proselytize to groups that have no means of investigating the truth. – discoursing on the high themes of the Trinity and redemption and divine mysteries, and now you suddenly open an entirely different subject. (Anyone who can spend $250 million [He is referring to the cost of building the Baha’i World Center.] Universal House of Justice so we can recognize the true UHJ from fakes, frauds, and imitations. She had been converted four years ago under Mr. Moody’s preaching in New York, attended the Brick Church for a time, and in some way heard of Abbas Effendi as being an eminently holy man. We claim and believe that He is the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity.”, “Yes,” said he, “I know that you believe that. And then we took our leave, with the usual profuse Arabic salutations. . Do Baha’is tell the world that their leader believes that those who do not become Baha’is lack reason and are ignorant? However, citing exact numbers would be misleading since much of the unpublished and untranslated material consists of day-to-day correspondence and personal guidance and encouragement, which is less likely to be of general interest. What most Baha’is do not know today, is that `Abdu’l-Bahā had prohibited his followers from sending their children to non-Baha’i schools. as it is in Heaven). Although Baha’is preach the Investigation of Truth, their laws prevent direct interaction with those who they deem as inappropriate sources. `Abdu’l-Bahā: Punish tyrants so they do not revolt. is truth, and the truth is one. For it becomes the cause of enmity and hatred between humanity and whatever causes enmity is hated by God and whatever causes unity and fellowship is accepted and praised. the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh hyacinth, and the twelfth amythest" Bahā’u’llāh: the true civilization in Persia, in Europe, and in the whole world. Nevertheless, these writings are extensively used by Baha’is in their preaching’s and proselytizing materials. But if you translate that into Persian literally, as bread, it would not be understood. But the Trinity is a doctrine above human comprehension, and yet it can be understood.”, He then asked me: “Did Christ understand the Trine personality of the Deity, i.e., the Trinity?.”, “Then,” said he, “it is understandable, yet we cannot understand it.”, I replied, “There are many things in nature which we believe and yet cannot understand.” I told him the story of the old man who overheard a young man exclaim to a crowd of his companions, “I will never believe what I cannot understand.” The old man said to him, “Do you see those animals in the field—the cattle eating grassl and it turns into hair on their backs; sheep eating the same grass, and it turns into wool; and swine eating it, and it becomes bristles on their backs; do you believe this?” The youth said, “Yes.” “Do you understand it?” “No.” “Then,” said the old man, “never say you will not believe what you do not understand.”, The Effendi remarked: “Yes, that is like a similar remark made once by a Persian to the famous Zamakhshari, ‘I cannot understand this doctrine of God’s Unity and Eternity, and I will not believe it.’ Zamakhshari replied, ‘Do you understand the watery secretions of your own body?’ ‘No.’ ‘But you believe they exist? Bahā’u’llāh: Even if someone criticizes Baha’ism with proof, do not listen. The principles of the Teachings of Baha'u'llah should His Highness Christ was the establisher of truth. His purpose in conferring such a gift is none other except to enable His creature to know and recognize the one true God—exalted be His glory,” Bahā’u’llāh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahā’u’llāh (US Bahā’ī Publishing Trust, 1990 [pocket-size edition]), p. 194. For your information, the people in Israel have access to factual information about the Faith, its history and general principles. . 12 precious foundation stones of the New Jerusalem of St. John's In Baha’ism, it is taught that every person must choose their beliefs after reaching the age of religious maturity (“A question [was asked] about the age of religious maturity; answer: maturity is in the fifteenth year and both men and women are the same regarding this matter,” `Abd a l-Ḥamīd Ishrāq Khāwarī, Ganjīniy-i ḥudūd wa aḥkām, 3rd ed. Whether intentionally on his part or not, he is now acting what seems to be a double part — a Muslim in the mosque, a Christ, or at least a Christian mystic, at his own house. is the real Physician. These imitations have caused hatred and enmity. “It is better not to read books by Covenant-breakers because they are haters of the Light, sufferers from a spiritual leprosy, so to speak. Did Baha’is and Their Leaders Act Upon This Principle? 119 -120. Baha’i faith discriminate Women for being a woman then justify the Sexism by petty illogical reasons. Baha’i Faith, religion founded in Iraq in the mid-19th century by Mirza Hosayn ‘Ali Nuri, who is known as Baha’ Allah. Is Seeking the Truth and Setting Aside Imitations an Innovation of Baha’ism? It is one truth, it is one spirit, it is one light, and it does not have a multitude. refer to the arguments (put forward by) reason and narrations.”. the divine prescription and real cure for the disorders which afflict “The first grace that has been bestowed on the human body is reason and its purpose is the recognition of the Truth (meaning God) Exalted be His Glory,”. . These limitations are against the spirit of the principle of Seeking and Investigating the Truth, which the Baha’is preach with pride. Preview this book » What people are saying - Write a review. So how exactly are truth seekers supposed to investigate the truth and abandon imitations? `Abdu’l-Bahā: Different religions should listen to the words of other religions. It will be most glorious! I once saw in a library a big set of books, The Collected Works of Sri Aurobindo in Bengali with English translations. “His first teaching is the Oneness of the World of Humanity,”. Give good tiding to My servants. Ironically, the same `Abdu’l-Bahā that gives the order to expel his coreligionists says: “Kindness brings about life, separation brings about death.”. Reference: Bahā’u’llāh, Badī`, pp. “We must . From the beginning of their history they have been playing like this. Recognize God by using reason and narrations. Should Baha’is See and Hear or Become Blind and Death? Now, I could not believe this, and thought it a newspaper invention. (Rev. Is the Principle of Investigating the Truth New? Once someone embraces the faith, he must stop using his reason. The two-fold purpose fundamental to Bahá’í life. . . “Those who are fair will examine, research and inquire. Reference: `Abd al-Ḥamīd Ishrāq Khāwarī, Payām-i malakūt, p.11 (citing Bahā’u’llāh). 7, p. 160. Bahā’u’llāh: Don’t wish unto others what you do not wish for yourself. Reference: `Abdu’l-Bahā, Makātīb, vol. They have illegally occupied Muslim endowment properties. And they will stand by the cause and will conquer the lands using my mighty eternal name and will enter the lands and they will be feared by all the servants,”. Investigating the truth is reasonable but putting aside imitations is not always a good thing. His Highness Moses was the servant of truth. `Abdu’l-Bahā: Bahā’u’llāh’s first principle is the oneness of humanity. Reference:`Abdu’l-Bahā, Bahā’ī World Faith—Selected Writings of Bahā’u’llāh and `Abdu’l-Bahā (`Abdu’l-Bahā’s Section Only), p. 431. 8, pp. Among the foundations of the divine religion is seeking the truth [so] that the whole of humanity seeks the truth,”. Bahā’u’llāh: Whoever denies Baha’ism or is Baha’u’llah’s enemy, is a bastard who will go to hell. This thought will result in arrogance, and arrogance causes a lack of effectiveness; instead, one must not see any merit in himself and must speak with the maximum extent of kindness, humility, and humbleness. “No pleasure has been created in the world greater than listening to the verses [brought by Bahā’u’llāh] and understanding their meanings and not objecting to or questioning any of the words and comparing them with the words of others.”, How the Truth About Baha’ism is Investigated. For Bahā’ullāh, nearly 20,000 unique works have been identified. The principles of the Bahá’í Faith were established by Bahá’u’lláh, the Founder of the Faith, in the latter half of the nineteenth century and promulgated by His Son and appointed successor, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá during a tireless twenty-nine year ministry. The Baha’i Faith is not just a collection of philosophical principles or an attempt to combine or conflate religions. I have been in Beirut, and knew Dr. Van Dyke, who was a most genial, learned, and eloquent man, and I highly esteemed him.”. Unauthorized materials, such as translations not yet approved by the UHJ, memoirs of people who have socialized with Baha’i figures, books that have not been authorized by the UHJ, pilgrims’ notes, and similar works are considered inappropriate for investigating the truth. His Highness Abraham was the harbinger of truth. This is the advice of the Pen of Destiny,’. It appears that reason is a tool that is only useful for reaching Baha’ism. We met her at the hotel and had a four hours’ conversation with her. "The foundation of the city wall was ornate with precious stones of every sort: the first course of stones … “Know that God has forbidden his friends from meeting with the polytheists (deniers of Baha’ism) and hypocrites,”. We must not insult people. We entered a large reception-room, at one end of which was a long divan covered, as usual in Syria, with a white cloth. Bahá'í at a glance. 1, Ahunavaiti Gatha, Yasna, chap. It is estimated that approximately ten per cent of the documents described above are in photocopied form. Reference: Bahā’u’llāh, Iqtidārāt wa chand lauḥ dīgar, (n.p. Thus, one must seek the truth so that with its light, these darknesses disappear. Baha’i Faith does not consider women to be equal to men. Such double standards make these notes useless for investigating the truth, for any conclusion based on them can simply be refuted on the basis of not being authoritative. Baha’is actively engage in proselytizing missions that are utterly against the investigation of truth. The lady herself mentioned her religion as Baha’i Faith on her Social profiles. At the present time the contrary prevails; the community is always thinking of enforcing the penal laws, and of preparing means of punishment, instruments of death and chastisement, places for imprisonment and banishment; and they expect crimes to be committed. . Likewise, if the root of a tree becomes corrupt so do its branches and twigs (aghsan and afnan) and its leaves and its fruit,“. . According to Baha’is themselves : * The oneness of God. “It is better not to read books by Covenant-breakers because they are haters of the Light, sufferers from a spiritual leprosy, so to speak. He visits his friends in Haifa, and is a man of great affability and courtesy— traits which characterize many of the Mohammedan and Druze Sheikhs and Effendis whom I know in Beirut, Sidon, Damascus, and Mount Lebanon. be carefully studied, one by one, until they are realized and understood Baha’is believe that Baha’ Allah and his forerunner, the Bab, were manifestations of God. 430–431. Bahā’u’llāh and `Abdu’l-Bahā: Reason was created for the purpose of recognizing God. But Abbas Effendi, on succeeding his father, threw off this reserve, and is a man among men. 2, p. 144. Second, memories and statements from people who have witnessed the actions of the Baha’i leaders. * Religion as a school. . 1, no. Nay, each must see with his own eyes, hear with his own ears and investigate the truth himself in order that he may follow the truth instead of blind acquiescence and imitation of ancestral beliefs.”. Because they will be educated/nurtured elsewise and they will disgrace the Baha’is.”. She seemed fascinated or hypnotized by the Effendi. But his followers managed to get his *complete* collected works not only published but also translated, not long after his death. Kindness towards the Opposition or Enmity? This is entirely different; let us keep to theological themes.”, I replied: “It is a change of subject, but I am seriously anxious to know whether that statement is true.”, He then said very calmly, “I am only the poorest and humblest of servants”. All the Titles given to Non-Baha’is by Baha’i Leaders. They are bats of darkness not the searchlights of clear horizons. If Investigating the Truth Means You Have to Question the Official Baha’is Stance on a Subject You Will Be Shunned. Reference: Bahā’u’llāh, Iqtidārāt wa chand lauḥ dīgar, p. 168. In a number of earlier religious Dispensations and in certain cultures the kissing of the hand of a religious figure or of a prominent person was expected as a mark of reverence and deference to such persons and as a token of submission to their authority. 21:19, 20). The essential principles of His healing remedies are the knowledge and love of God, severance from all else save God, turning our faces in sincerity toward the Kingdom of God, implicit faith, firmness and fidelity, loving-kindness toward all creatures and the acquisition of the divine virtues indicated for the human world. This resulted in the twenty-fold increase of the Baha’i population in about 30 years. The foundation of the divine religions is one. It is difficult to regard without indignation the Babi proselytism now being carried on in the United States. Universal Peace upheld by a Spiritual World Government, 10. Reference: `Abd al-Ḥamīd Ishrāq Khāwarī, Ganjīniy-i ḥudūd wa aḥkām, chap. “No pleasure has been created in the world greater than listening to the verses [brought by Bahā’u’llāh] and understanding their meanings and not objecting to or questioning any of the words and comparing them with the words of others,”, Investigating the Truth: Only for Non-Baha’is. Baha’is are just like any other people, there are people of all sorts in this community. He at once rejoined: “Very true. This law is not limited to those that oppose or protest the Guardian. Should We Investigate or Accept without Any Questions? Reference:`Abdu’l-Bahā, Makātīb (Egypt), vol. remedy in order that complete recovery may be assured. ‘Become blind’ means [see] nothing but my beauty and ‘become deaf’ means [hear] nothing but my words and ‘become ignorant’ means [have no knowledge] but my knowledge, so that with a pure eye and clean heart and fine ear you come to my sanctified realm.”. That Department notes that the collection and collation of the Sacred Writings is an ongoing process, and the numbers are continually being revised. ““Exile and imprisonment are decreed for the thief, and, on the third offence, place ye a mark upon his brow so that, thus identified, he may not be accepted in the cities of God and His countries,”. Reference: Helen Bassett Hornby, Lights of Guidance: A Bahā’ī Reference File, chap. Is it possible for truth seeking Baha’is to investigate their faith from any of these three sources? The UHJ simply does not want the public to have access to these files. They all established and spread the truth,”, Reference:`Abdu’l-Bahā, Khaṭābāt (Tehran), vol. Reference: `Abdu’l-Bahā, Bahā’ī World Faith—Selected Writings of Bahā’u’llāh and `Abdu’l-Bahā (`Abdu’l-Bahā’s Section Only), pp. 2, p. 55, “The foundation of the divine religions is one. “The divine principles in this luminous era are such that one must not insult anyone,”. The Bahá’í Faith is a worldwide religion based on the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh (1817-1892), the most recent in the series of Divine Messengers who founded the world religions as part of the progressive revelation of God’s guidance to humanity. Rather, all schools of thought and all of the Divine Religions call upon people to seek what is right, say what is right, and accept what is right. “The general criterion is what we mentioned and any soul who has success in it, meaning recognizes and realizes the Sunrise of Manifestation (meaning himself), will be mentioned in the Divine Book as someone who possesses reason or else he will be (mentioned as) ignorant even if he himself thinks that his reason equals that of the whole world,”. Can the Recognition of God Be Obtained through Intellect? 1, p. 355. Why Have All of Bahā’u’llāh’s Descendants Been Shunned and Excommunicated? 1, p. 355. 427–428. His Highness Christ was the establisher of truth. It is a deliberate decision to invest the money in things like monumental architecture instead. Engaged in shunning people? saw 12 principles of baha'i faith his manner that he was getting weary of,. Whatsoever he pleaseth, ” in various parts of the Cause of God in! 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