The baby can also manifest different reactions and emotions in response to its perception of textures; for example, expressing delight when touching a soft pleasant surface, displeasure for a rough or prickly surface. Give yourself congratulations. Skills developed: Visual stimulation through vivid colors, general tactile perception, You will need: Stringed toy, your partner. The Ferber Method, as it is known, involves putting your baby into the crib while shes still awake. It’s messy, fun and definitely frustrating for both of you at times, especially considering that introducing solids into her diet can also cause some issues in that tiny tummy. Book a babysitter. Sippy cups are fine for on-the-go, but only use them for water, not juice, as this can lead to babies and toddlers mindlessly consuming sugary drinks. TEACHING: You can start showing your baby more books and flashcards. Simply the World’s Most Interesting Travel Site. Place the baby on their tummy and place a stringed toy in their field of vision. At 6 months old, babies can’t thank you for a well-considered gift, but they can make eye contact, grasp objects in their little hands, and smile back at you. Make your little one sit facing you on the bed. Hold a blanket and draw it over your head. Babies capable of recognizing words can also most probably recognize letters. Breastfeed every two to three hours or on demand. Take a soft string made from wool or any other soft material, and place one end in the hand of the baby so that they hold it. If your baby cries, wait for a progressively longer period of time each night before going in to provide comfort. Story reading time helps reinforce their interest in colors and contrasting patterns. Now, the baby is able to use its hands in new ways other than holding people’s fingers. Skills developed: Object tracking, vision development, muscle-sight coordination. Most babies are sleeping six to eight hours at a stretch by six months. If your baby is breastfeeding, try to nurse more often to prevent dehydration. Blow one bubble within the baby’s line of sight so that they can track it till it floats away or bursts. That’s why it is necessary to monitor the baby’s activity to prevent any unfavourable events that may result from approaching places that are known to be hazardous. Skills developed: Auditory sense skills, identifying and locating sources of sound, You will need: A plastic box filled with baby cereal. But until then the balancing ability is still incomplete; the baby may be able to sit successfully independently once, but fails to do it the following time. By now, she should have at least doubled her birth weight. Actually, it is believed that it is still early for the baby’s skills to settle on a specific hand, since these skills are still at their starting point. The mother can hold the baby at its arms, placing its feet on the floor or on her lap to help it take the first step in learning to stand still, she can also sit with her baby in a suitable place like the bed, and support it to try jumping. When underneath, say some words to attract the baby’s attention like “Where is Mama?”, “Where am I?”. Skills developed: Listening skills, vision-hearing coordination, general curiosity, [ Read: 6-Month-Old Baby Development Milestones ]. Peek-a-boo with a blanket: You will need: A regular bed sheet or blanket. As it grows in age, sleep duration starts to gradually decrease. Playing with the baby using animal or other things’ pictures and names can combine fun and benefit. Your six-month-old can start consuming solid food now, so why not leverage it with a stimulating fun activity? A 6-month-old refusing the bottle can be a sign of teething too. The baby can be seen during this period to focus on special details of some objects, for example flowers or colorful patterns on the mum’s blouse. Previously, crying was used instead of words to express the feelings of hunger, drowsiness, illness, thirst, pain, discomfort due to a dirty diaper, and so forth. The first step including babbling and pronouncing simple prefixes and vowels such as “ma”, “ba” and “ga.” These vocals give rise to clear words with practice and time. The baby will develop its attraction to different kinds of toys, but those being stuffed are seemingly more appealing, especially if they have an animal-like appearance. Try to keep your child’s room comfortably cool. Continue breast milk or formula for your baby as it is the main source of nutrition for babies until one year (1). Each activity nurtures a set of specific developmental skills, which we mention at the end. One note of caution – to reduce the risk of SIDS, don't let your baby sleep with stuffed animals or loose blankets before his first birthday. Website for moms seeking advice, community, and entertainment. The best way to calm your baby is to leave, wait for a minute or two, and then return. In other words, the baby will be more or less sensitive to the place where it is sleeping; it may be comfortably and peacefully sleeping in mum’s arms, but once she places it into the bed or crib, it wakes and bursts out crying. Bring the box to the baby and shake it like a rattle. This is a simple sensory play for the baby’s developing eyesight. Make the baby sit at a distance and roll the beach ball between your hands till you have the little one’s attention. Bend them gently and move them in cyclic motion, as if the baby was pedaling a bicycle. Developmental milestones are things most children can do by a certain age. The baby can develop reflexes towards textures, which guide it to be attracted to and accept pleasant ones, and on the other hand, avoid those that gave it negative feelings. The six-month old baby is capable of demonstrating an emotional response to the person or thing approaching it, smiling for a smiling face, showing fear upon seeing a stranger, turning its head around when it doesn’t want to connect with what is in front of it, as well as several other reactions. They deserve considerable attention by the parents so that they can enjoy knowing that their child is developing and growing in front of them, as well as be aware of any complications and troubles that might crop up. Or when the parent gives the baby a number of letters and it correctly picks the letters the parent pronounces. Some babies have a fast reflex to the extent that they may immediately stop approaching an object of an unpleasant surface after the first time of trial. Separation anxiety is nothing to worry about. The fact that the baby can roll over makes it a must for the mum to keep an eye on it when placed onto the bed or a high place on purpose, for example, diaper changing. 2. Yes, you can have a half-birthday cake. Skills developed: Coordination of hand muscles, grasping ability, hand and eye coordination, You will need: Brightly illustrated baby’s storybooks. Share: An exciting milestone in your baby’s development is the switch to solids. Roll over in both directions. Find a time of day when your baby is not feeling tired and is a little hungry. Hold the baby vertically, between their arms, on a soft surface like a mattress. This is pretty much something that every parent experiences and this problem is one of the disturbing obstacles of raising the child, and it is advised to put the baby in the crib while it is still awake. It is also a phase when the infant acquires cognitive and physical skills. Hold the spoon close to his lips, and let him smell and taste the food. In fact, the baby during the first half of its first year isn’t the same during the second half, and speaking more accurately, the baby can demonstrate noticeable differences in every single month, regarding numerous disciplines other than its appearance. It is also recommended to check on the food appropriate for the baby. The process of the baby’s growth is divided in sequential stages throughout its early life. Here comes the participation of other types of food in fulfilling the baby’s needs. Sources:,,, WebMD,, The moving toy helps in the development and also entertains the baby. Crawling is considered a preliminary stage of the baby’s mobility, which prepares its body for more developed skills. Featuring bright, playful … Once the baby is intrigued, slowly pull down the blanket and look straight into the baby’s eyes and say “peek-a-boo!”. Babies frequently roll on their tummies, and many of them are feeling alright with a such position, even during sleeping, other babies may feel distressed. During the first few months of life, your baby was growing at a rate of about 1 ½ to 2 pounds a month. 6-month-old sleep problems By the 6-month mark, your baby is — let’s be honest — off-the-charts cute and so clever. When they do so, respond to them with a question or a few words of praise. The baby may initially let go, but you can prompt them to pull the string towards them, which they will eventually do. You can start weaning with single vegetables and fruits – try blended, mashed, or soft cooked sticks of parsnip, broccoli, potato, yam, sweet potato, carrot, apple or pear. Skills developed: Muscle control, muscle movement nimbleness, overall gross motor skills. Prepare purees of varying colors from different fruits and vegetables that you usually give the infant. Get tips to prepare for your baby’s well-child visits. A healthy and well-abled child can indicate proper child care and nurturing, and in the opposite case, can indicate negligence and disordered raising. With these activities, you can keep your baby busy and promote healthy growth. The first round of the game is done with instruction of the parent, expressing with gestures and words how to play or do the task of the game. The only place to satisfy all of your guilty pleasures. Skills developed: Object tracking, overall muscle strength, You will need: String made from soft fibers, yourself. The cognitive abilities and memory centers of the brain start to exceed being primitive, enabling the baby to remember and recall certain events and people, and react to encountering them according to the situation and the people themselves. ; Painful stools – if stooling seems to be hurting baby in any way, even if it does not appear unusually large. After all, the main attention is still sought from the mother. Support him in your lap or an infant seat and use a small spoon to feed him. However, at this age the baby may cry simply to get attention of the people around her, even when there is nothing to complain about. Ever since the baby is brought to life, its abilities and accomplishments start taking part in a continuous manner and get more advanced and firmer with time. With some luck, your baby might start to sleep for longer stretches at night from about 6 weeks of age. At 6 months old, formula fed babies will eat approximately six to eight ounces of formula at each feeding. However, that amount may change depending on how much solid food your child is eating. This simple game helps to strengthen the baby’s grip and overall flexibility of their fingers. You can start to add a healthy snack, like mashed fruit, between meals. We have has compiled a list of 15 activities and games for a six-month-old baby to aid their overall development. Hold the hands of the baby and gently pull their torso towards you at a full 90o. These games for your six-month-old aim at the holistic development of the baby. Point at the images while you read the story, and label the pictures with their name like “That is a Lion” while pointing at a lion’s illustration. Crying has been the only way the baby has had to bring attention to their needs. Parents may start wondering at this point about ‘handedness,” but it is still difficult to determine whether the baby is right-handed or left-handed at this point. With the start of solids (or more dedication to them) at six months, now is also the time to begin offering water in an open-top cup so that your baby can move from sucking to sipping at mealtimes. Encourage them and give clues by pointing in the direction of your partner. This, however, is expected to happen, with no need to worry. The baby sits on your lap while you open the book in front of them and start reading from the first page. Say something funny or sing a song while you pull them into the sitting position. The 4-6 months motor milestones video provides parents and caregivers 6 examples of motor milestones baby should reach by 6 months old. Sometimes babies make attempts to babble the words they hear. Motor Skills The development of cognition, recognition, vision, and memory, also provides an opportunity for the baby to do further explorations by getting involved in games. The sound emanating from the box attracts the baby, and they will try grabbing it, and when they do, hold their hands and shake the box gently. Lie down on the bed with your head inclined while the baby sits in your lap facing you. This is attributed to the development of the baby’s hand skills, as well as the nervous system activity; the tactile senses of the hands, plus the cognitive brain abilities are intensifying and getting more advanced. This is a stimulating activity for a six-month-old and can cement their name in their mind. Prompt them to hold a block themselves and guide their hand to stack a block. However, the level of word recognition among babies of this age vary, and it is expected to find some who still cannot distinguish words until an older age. Starting at this time means your baby may accept the cup more readily and it will give him plenty of time to master it before you need to completely wean him from the breast or bottle. Wait until they seem to settle their feet a bit firmly on the surface. The development of its nervous system activity aids it to hold small objects for a period of time of a couple of seconds, and this duration will lengthen certainly with age and practice. Place them all in front of your baby on a plastic sheet (to prevent a mess!) Prefer using a box with a transparent plastic cover so that the baby can see inside and get excited. One of the common ways that is often used to help baby make words is through linking them to animal sounds and linking a picture of the animal to the sound; such as ‘ba,’ “The sheep says ba.”. String vowels together when babbling (“ah”, “eh”, “oh”) Often parents forget to exercise the legs of the baby, which constitute a large chunk of the body’s muscle weight. Place the baby on their back on a soft surface and gently lift both the legs. Doubtlessly, the parents are responsible for keeping harmful and small objects at an unreachable distance from their baby, to prevent any tragic consequences. This is wonderful indication of motor development in the baby, the demonstration of which is prominent within this period. At six months, baby’s growth will slow to about 1 pound a month. The baby may not get the stacking right, but the sight of enticing, colorful blocks will lure them to grasp one block after the other. The vocalizing skills explained earlier, are of the methods often put in action. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. Certainly, not all foods are appropriate nor advisable for such age. Here is what you can do to ensure that your baby benefits the most from the above activities: While activity is important for a six-month-old baby, rest and adequate nutrition are also necessary to keep the baby healthy and active. The trial and error method is not problematic and opens a wider chance for the baby to depend on itself. Fortunately, he is quickly getting back to his happy, healthy self. This is like a basic art and craft session for your baby, and since the colors are edible, you need not worry about them putting their hands in their mouth. If your baby is under six months and breastfeeding, offering them only breast milk protects them from a range of infections and reduces their need for medical treatment or hospitalisation. By 6 months, most babies: Know familiar faces. Straining to pass stools – your baby may strain just for a few minutes, or he may strain for hours or days. Make sure that the baby has back support or a cushion to prevent falling. The baby may love to have the toy beside it during sleep, therefore, she has to be attentive to place them properly. Encouragement helps the baby to be ready for comprehending more advanced and complex vowels. Take the other end of the string and gently tug at it. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitute for professional health services. Held upright, your child can now practice standing and doing mini-squats. The baby at six months old is frequently expected to sleep through the night for approximately six to eight hours and nap for 1 to 2 hours during the day with longer periods of wakefulness, in addition to the possibility of having sleep discomforts and troubles. The baby recognizes the voice and the name and will look around curiously to determine the source of the sound. When babies at this age have trouble falling or staying asleep, some parents turn to a method developed by pediatrician Richard Ferber. Repeat with the remaining purees to make handprints of different colors. Use a fan to circulate air if the room is overly warm or stuffy. Do let us know by leaving a comment below. Some manifestations of this skill include, for example, when the baby is given an inverted box with printed words, it may rotate it because it has realized the correct pattern of words, and then acts like it is reading it! You will need: A regular bed sheet or blanket. Of course, the baby is not giving up on breastfeeding or formula just yet, but she should be starting to receive soft foods. Words may evade your six-month-old baby’s understanding, but they will love colorful illustrations. The 6 Best Ways to Make Your Baby Tired (and 3 Things NOT to Do) From rocking to lullabies to a ride in the car, here are the best ways to make your baby … 7 Baby Names In Honor Of Healthcare Workers Who Saved 2020, 15 Things The Baby Should Be Able To Do At 6 Months Old, 10 Surprising Things Men Should Never Do During Labor, How To Teach Your Toddler About Martin Luther King's Activism, Tracking Baby's Development: 7 Signs Your Infant Is Lacking In Motor Skills, 6 Podcasts All New Moms Should Be Listening To, Stacey Solomon's Story Of Teenage Pregnancy Draws Tears From Crowd, 12 Beautiful Chinese Baby Girl Names And What They Mean, 7 Tips For Explaining To Your Toddler That You're Getting A Divorce, 10 Baby Names Inspired By Successful Sports Stars For Your 2021 Athlete, '16 & Pregnant' Alum Nikkole Paulun Is Expecting Baby No. Respond to own name. Babies continually test their abilities and squatting/bouncing is a great way to test their balance. The parents should encourage the baby by tempting her with a favorite toy placed just a few feet out of reach, enticing the baby to pursue it. How Much Sleep Does a 1-Month-Old Baby Need? Having reached the sixth month, the baby is about to progress further into the second half of its first year with the aid of a number of skills acquired successfully by that time. Must Knows. Of course, not all games are compatible with its brain, but even the simplest types can assist in affirming its talents. But it is important to keep some points in mind while you play these games so that the infants reap the maximum benefit. The act of rolling over can be fun for the baby, but may get on the nerve of its parents due to the higher possibility of the baby rolling off the sofa or bed, which until that point, was a relatively safe place to lay the baby down. Ask your partner to blow bubbles with the bubble maker while the baby is watching. It can now take advantage of its extremities to move from one place to another, a fact which makes it very important for the parents to keep their baby away from places of different degrees of danger, so as to prevent any injuries or traumas. Skills developed: Basic voice and movement coordination, social skills, [ Read: Age-Appropriate Toys For 6 Month Old ], You will need: Bubble maker, your partner. Skills developed: Grip strength and resistance, muscle response to a force. Hold them there for a few seconds before putting them on their back again. The baby will develop its attraction to different kinds of toys, but those … The baby is no longer immobile, having acquiring a great amount of motor development and increased muscular capabilities. It is the time for many ‘firsts’ including the first time your baby eats pureed food, responds to their name and even recognizes their reflection in the mirror. By 6 months, baby is becoming stronger. They can also react to objects that may seem strange or scary for them. Words are included within the details mentioned previously. So, if mum and dad haven’t already done so, it’s time to put the electric outlet sockets covers and childproof latches on. Babies innately enjoy playing with water, thus making this activity a great way to improve their lower back strength. Skills developed: Basic understanding of patterns, visual perception skills, listening skills. A one day old baby is quite different than a baby after a year. It is true that the attention seeking attitude seems to be born simultaneously with the baby, being manifested by crying. It is important to emphasize the need to develop the child’s self-confidence, therein comes the duty of the parents to stimulate it by caring, and not ignoring. This can be a method of getting the baby closer and more aware of the surroundings, which contributes to better development of its recognition capabilities. Alternatively, offer 24-37 ounces of formula milk every day. Babies can sit without support by the age of six months, and you can strengthen those back muscles during bath time. If the family has a pet dog or cat, the baby will certainly have shown recognition of the animal by now. Once they manage to lay their hand on the ball, they will try experimenting with the ball by moving it, hitting it or by simply lifting it. Height gain will also slow, to about a half-inch each month. The newborn is estimated to have a daily sleep time of eighteen hours at maximum scale. These skills vary between intellectual, mental, physical, and social, and deserve to have a brief, but clarifying mention in the next few lines. This method works well for some families, but you may need to experiment with several different sleep … For example, the mother can bring her baby a puzzle game and show how to place the parts correctly. Skills developed: Muscle strength, an improved range of muscle motion. 3 After Miscarriage, World Cancer Day: How To Explain & Celebrate It With Your Toddler, 10 Creative Ideas For How To Announce Your Pregnancy On Valentine's Day, 8 Fun Ways To Usher In The New Year With Your Little Ones: DIY Party Ideas, Shawn Johnson & Andrew East Expecting Second Child Together, 5 Money-Saving Habits All New Parents Should Be Doing In The New Year, Big Brother’s Nicole Franzel Expecting First Child With Victor Arroyo, Nikki Bella Hired A Life Coach To Help Transition To Being A New Mom. They soon understand the game and will tug the blanket themselves. This stage is a … Of them and give clues by pointing in the baby a progressively longer period of each. Hours or on demand should be moving and what parents and caregivers should watch for signs of food such! Invariably find attractive may initially let go, but only if baby is watching check the! 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